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日期:2020-04-03 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Portuguese is one of the widely used languages. Learning Portuguese requires skills. The following documents translation company of Shangyu will share the skills of Portuguese interpretation:


  1. How to define a thing in Portuguese


  Portuguese and Portuguese people talk 80% to tell each other what this thing is. Although the difficulty of vocabulary in our textbooks is increasing, the logical structure of thinking only stays at one level. Because the traditional Chinese teaching mode does not teach students the skills to express their thoughts.


  2. Explain the same thing in different ways

  一種表達式對方不懂,講 葡萄牙語 國家人會尋找另一種表達式最終讓對方明白。因為事物就一個,但表達它的語言符號可能會很多。這就要多做替換練習。傳統的教學方葡萄牙也做替換練習,但這種替換不是真替換,只是語言層面的替換,而不是思維層面的替換。也就是說用一種不同的方式表達同一個意思,或者一個表達式對方聽不清楚,舉一個簡單易懂的例子來表達,直到對方明白。

  If one expression is not understood by the other, Portuguese speaking people will find another expression to make the other understand. Because there is only one thing, but there may be many linguistic symbols to express it. This requires more substitution exercises. The traditional teaching side Portugal also does the replacement exercise, but this kind of replacement is not the real replacement, but the replacement at the language level, rather than the replacement at the thinking level. That is to say, use a different way to express the same meaning, or an expression that the other party can't understand, give a simple and understandable example to express until the other party understands.


  3. Learn how Portuguese describe things

  從描述上來講,由于中西的文化不同會產生很大的差異。我們描述東西無葡萄牙乎把它放在時間和空間兩個坐標上去描述。葡萄牙國人對空間的描述總是由內及葡萄牙,由里及表。而中國人正好相反。從時間上來說,中國人是按自然的時間順序來描述。我們描述一個東西突然停住時,往往最后說的那個地方是最重要的。葡萄牙國人在時間的描述上先把最重要的東西說出來,然后再說陪襯的東西。只有發生悲劇性的事件,葡萄牙國 人才 在前面加上鋪墊。這就是中國人和葡萄牙國人在時間描述上的巨大差別。

  In terms of description, there will be great differences between Chinese and Western cultures. We can describe things without Portugal by putting them on the coordinates of time and space. Portuguese people always describe space from the inside and the Portugal, from the inside and the table. The Chinese are the opposite. In terms of time, Chinese people are described in natural chronological order. When we describe a sudden stop of something, the last place we often say is the most important. Portuguese people first say the most important things in the description of time, and then say the foil. Only when tragic events happen, can Portugal lay the groundwork ahead. This is the great difference in time description between Chinese and Portuguese.


  4. Learn to use important Portuguese idioms


  Idioms are the things that are not easy to learn and cause confusion in understanding. For example, the Beijingers say that they have covered their hats. It's hard for the Portuguese to understand. This is the idiom. So when communicating with Portuguese people, he can use Portuguese idioms properly, and he will feel very kind and love to communicate with you. So what are idioms? You know every word, but when you put them together, you don't know what they mean.


  5. The ability of interpreting two languages

  這是衡量口語水平的一個最重要標準。因為 葡萄牙語 不是我們的母語,我們天生就有自己的母語。很多人都認為學好葡萄牙語必須丟掉自己的母語,這是不對的。

  This is the most important standard to measure the level of spoken English. Because Portuguese is not our mother tongue, we are born with our own mother tongue. Many people think it's wrong to lose their mother tongue to learn Portuguese well.


  6. Have the ability to guess


  Why do Portuguese and Portuguese, Chinese and Chinese seldom have ambiguity in their communication? It's because they can "guess". Our teaching does not advocate "Guessing". But I think guessing is very important for learning oral English in Portugal. In communication, if you don't understand a word, you can't look it up in the dictionary at once. At this time, you need to guess to build a bridge to fill the gap, or the communication will be interrupted.








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