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日期:2020-05-22 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Now we see a lot of foreign news every day, and translation plays an important role here. Today, Shangyu translation company takes you to understand the precautions of news translation:


  First, literal or basic literal translation of news headlines. Literal translation and free translation, which is right or wrong, have been debated in the field of translation in China. However, whether literal translation or free translation, faithfulness to the original content should be given priority.


  Second, add explanatory words in translation. English newspaper headlines often cater to the reading needs of their own readers, and because of different thinking habits with Chinese people, the expression of English news headlines is different from Chinese. Therefore, in the process of translation, it is necessary to fully consider the principles of internal and external differences and the reading psychology of Chinese readers, and make necessary modifications to the relevant information, cultural background knowledge that Chinese people may not be familiar with and the expressions that do not conform to the reading habits of domestic readers. The deletion will be deleted while the addition will be added.


  Third, try to reproduce the rhetorical features of the original text. Many news headlines not only attract people's attention for their conciseness and conciseness, but also effectively convey some subtle implicit information by using various rhetorical skills, which makes readers enjoy the beauty of meaning, sound and form. Therefore, in translation, we should try our best to reflect the rhetorical features of the original text, such as pun, metaphor, rhyme, etc., so as to make the translation and the original basically coincide in rhetoric, so that the target readers can get almost the same feelings as the original readers


  Fourthly, translation trade-offs are adopted. Sometimes, when some English titles are difficult to express their subtle meanings in Chinese due to rhetoric, cultural and linguistic differences, it is advisable to translate appropriate Chinese titles according to the literal meaning of English titles and news content. According to the characteristics of Chinese and Chinese news headlines, different grammatical and rhetorical means can be used to achieve the best results.







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