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日期:2020-10-03 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  In the case of large-scale conference without interruption, it is very common for the interpreter to interpret the contents of the conference without interruption.

  同聲傳譯是一門藝術。要掌握好這門藝術,就需要在實踐中認真研究翻譯的方法和技巧。翻譯沒有現成的公式可套,它是千變萬化的,一個句子可以有多種不同的表達方法。譯員要在實踐中不斷摸索、不斷總結,才能逐步提高翻譯水平。無論英譯漢還是漢譯英,都涉及英語和漢語兩種語言。這兩種語言是兩種截然不同的文化的產物。雖然它們有共性,但在語法、句型、習慣用語、修辭手段、邏輯等許多方面都各有特點。英語重形合,靠連接詞表明邏輯關系;而漢語重意合,語言內部邏輯、詞與詞的關系靠詞序就可表示出來;英語有冠詞、代名詞及詞形變化等,漢語沒有;英、漢語有些詞的詞義不完全相等;英語中為使句子簡潔明了,經常使用代詞,或干脆省略重復的詞,但在譯成漢語時,常常需要重復,以使語言通順。 譯員必須在分析這些特點和差異的基礎上研究翻譯方法和技巧。

  Simultaneous interpretation is an art. In order to master this art, it is necessary to study translation methods and techniques in practice. There is no ready-made formula for translation. It is changeable. A sentence can be expressed in many different ways. In order to improve the level of translation, translators should constantly explore and summarize in practice. No matter English to Chinese or Chinese to English, both English and Chinese are involved. These two languages are the product of two different cultures. Although they have common features, they have their own characteristics in grammar, sentence pattern, idiomatic expressions, rhetorical devices, logic and so on. In English, hypotaxis is emphasized and logical relations are indicated by connectives; while in Chinese parataxis is emphasized, the internal logic of language and the relationship between words can be expressed by word order; there are articles, pronouns and morphological changes in English, but not in Chinese; the meanings of some words in English and Chinese are not completely equal; In order to make sentences concise and clear, pronouns are often used or repeated words are omitted. However, when translated into Chinese, repetition is often needed to make the language smooth. Translators must study translation methods and techniques on the basis of analyzing these characteristics and differences.

  翻譯要求忠實于原文,這是指精神上或實質內容上忠實于原文。它不是要求機械地、一字對一詞地翻譯。翻譯實際上是一種語際轉換過程。在兩種不同的語言之間進行語言轉換時,一一對應的現象一般不多,常常需要改變語言形式。而語言形式的改變可能會造成語義、語氣上的損失。 同時,在翻譯時,為彌補損失,補足語氣,連接上下文,有時需要增加詞句,以忠實通順地表達原文的內容,便于讀者理解。此外,雙關語、復數意義、時態意義、強調意義等都需要在翻譯時加以補充,才能將意思完整地表達出來。 一些翻譯家認為:“翻譯的主要方法是該增詞時增詞,該減詞時減詞。”何時需要增減,主要標準是使譯文符合習慣用法,通順明白。這種增詞、補詞的方法,稱為“補充法”。

  Translation requires faithfulness to the original text, which means to be faithful to the original in spirit or substance. It does not require mechanical, word for word translation. Translation is actually a process of interlingual transformation. In the process of language conversion between two different languages, the phenomenon of one-to-one correspondence is generally rare, and it is often necessary to change the language form. The change of language form may result in the loss of semantics and mood. At the same time, in order to make up for the loss, supplement the mood and connect the context, sometimes it is necessary to add words and sentences to express the content of the original text faithfully and smoothly for the readers to understand. In addition, pun, plural meaning, tense meaning and emphasis meaning need to be supplemented in translation in order to express the meaning completely. Some translators believe that "the main method of translation is to add words when adding words, and to reduce words when reducing words." When it needs to be added or deleted, the main criterion is to make the translation conform to the idiomatic usage, smooth and clear. This method of adding and supplementing words is called "supplementary method".








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