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日期:2020-11-19 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  We all know that in the process of translation, Chinese words correspond to different English words, so they have different usages in different situations. Today, Shangyu translation company will show you how to translate Chinese into English?


  1、 Incremental translation

  指根據英漢 兩種語言不同的思維方式、語言習慣和表達方式,在翻譯時增添一些詞、短句或句子,以便更準確地表達出原文所包含的意義。這種方式多半用在漢譯英里。漢語無 主句較多,而英語句子一般都要有主語,所以在翻譯漢語無主句的時候,除了少數可用英語無主 句、被動語態或"There be…"結構來翻譯以外,一般都要根據語境補出主語,使句子完整。英漢兩種語言在名詞、代詞、連詞、介詞和冠詞的使用方法上也存在很大差別。英語中代詞使 用頻率較高,凡說到人的器官和歸某人所有的或與某人有關的事物時,必須在前面加上物主代詞。因此,在漢譯英時需要增補物主代詞,而在英譯漢時又需要根據情 況適當地刪減。英語詞與詞、詞組與詞組以及句子與句子的邏輯關系一般用連詞來表示,而漢語則往往通過上下文和語序來表示這種關系。因此,在漢譯英時常常需 要增補連詞。英語句子離不開介詞和冠詞。另外,在漢譯英時還要注意增補一些原文中暗含而沒有明言的詞語和一些概括性、注釋性的詞語,以確保譯文意思的完 整。總之,通過增譯,一是保證譯文語法結構的完整,二是保證譯文意思的明確。

  It refers to adding some words, short sentences or sentences to the translation according to the different ways of thinking, language habits and expressions of English and Chinese, so as to more accurately express the meaning contained in the original text. This method is mostly used in Chinese translation of miles. There are more Chinese sentences without subjects, while English sentences generally have subjects. Therefore, when translating Chinese sentences without subjects, except for a few English sentences without subjects, passive voice or "there be In addition to the translation of structure, the subject should be added according to the context to make the sentence complete. There are also great differences in the use of nouns, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions and articles between English and Chinese. Pronouns are frequently used in English. When it comes to human organs and things owned by or related to someone, the possessive pronoun must be added before it. Therefore, it is necessary to add the subject pronoun in C-E translation, and to delete it appropriately according to the situation. The logical relations between English words, phrases and phrases, and sentences and sentences are generally expressed by conjunctions, while in Chinese, such relations are often expressed by context and word order. Therefore, conjunctions are often needed in Chinese English translation. Prepositions and articles are indispensable in English sentences. In addition, when translating Chinese into English, we should pay attention to adding some implicit but not explicit words and some general and explanatory words to ensure the integrity of the translation meaning. In a word, adding one meaning to the translation is to guarantee the integrity of the translation.


  2、 Omission translation


  This is a translation method corresponding to the addition method, that is to delete words that do not conform to the thinking habits, language habits and expressions of the target language, so as to avoid unnecessary translation. The example sentence of addition translation method is the opposite.


  3、 Conversion method

  指翻譯過程中為了使譯文符合目標語的表述方式、方法和習慣而對原句中的詞類、句型和 語態等進行轉換。具體的說,就是在詞性方面,把名詞轉換為代詞、形容詞、動詞;把動詞轉換成名詞、形容詞、副詞、介詞;把形容詞轉換成副詞和短語。在句子 成分方面,把主語變成狀語、定語、賓語、表語;把謂語變成主語、定語、表語;把定語變成狀語、主語;把賓語變成主語。在句型方面,把并列句變成復合句,把 復合句變成并列句,把狀語從句變成定語從句。在語態方面,可以把主動語態變為被動語態。

  It refers to the conversion of parts of speech, sentence pattern and voice in the original sentence in order to make the translation conform to the expression mode, method and habit of the target language. Specifically, in terms of part of speech, it is to transform nouns into pronouns, adjectives and verbs, verbs into nouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions, and adjectives into adverbs and phrases. In terms of sentence elements, the subject is changed into adverbial, attributive, object and predicative; the predicate is changed into subject, attribute and predicative; the attribute is changed into adverbial and subject; and the object is turned into subject. In the aspect of sentence pattern, the coordinate sentence should be changed into a compound sentence, a compound sentence into a coordinate sentence, and an adverbial clause into an attributive clause. In the aspect of voice, the active voice can be changed into the passive voice.


  4、 Positive translation and reverse translation

  正譯法和反譯法:這兩種方法通常用于漢譯英,偶爾也用于英譯漢。所謂正譯,是指把句子按照 與漢語相同的語序或表達方式譯成英語。所謂反譯則是指把句子按照與漢語相反的語序或表達方式譯成英語。正譯與反譯常常具有同義的效果,但反譯往往更符合英 語的思維方式和表達習慣。因此比較地道。

  The two methods are usually used for C-E translation and occasionally for E-C translation. The so-called correct translation refers to the translation of sentences into English in the same word order or expression as Chinese. The so-called reverse translation refers to the translation of sentences into English according to the word order or expression mode opposite to Chinese. The former and the latter are often synonymous, but the latter is more in line with the English way of thinking and expression habits. So it's more authentic.








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