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日期:2020-12-14 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Legal translation requires a certain understanding and skills, but also to master a variety of professional knowledge, Shangyu translation company to show you what should be considered in legal translation?


  (1) Semantic transformation


  Under normal circumstances, when translating the original text into the translation, the translator can accurately and truly translate the original text into the translation according to the dictionary meaning of each word in the original text.


  (2) Word order switching in legal translation


  The word order of the translated text is not completely consistent with that of the original text. Therefore, some word order must be adjusted to make the translation conform to the expression habits of the target language. In order to adjust the word order, sometimes it is necessary to put the words expressed at the back of the original text in front of the translation, and sometimes the words expressed in the front of the original text should be put at the back of the translation.


  (3) Adding words in legal translation


  Chinese and Westerners have different ways of thinking, so they may use different words or phrases to express the same thing or concept. Therefore, when translating Chinese into English or translating English into Chinese, it is possible to add some words in order to conform to Chinese expression habits.


  (4) Omission in legal translation


  Chinese and western people have different ways of thinking, and they use different words to express their agreement on things or concepts. Therefore, similar to the technique of adding words, sometimes it is necessary to reduce words when translating legal language. There are many ways to reduce words, such as prepositions, locative verbs and even a clause.


  (5) Object clauses in legal translation


  In legal translation, the translation of object clauses is relatively simple. Generally speaking, according to the order of the original translation is OK. But sometimes it is necessary to separate the subject predicate from the subordinate clause according to the meaning of the context.


  (6) Attributive clauses in legal translation


  English attributive clause is a difficult point in translation. In legal translation, English attributive clause is also a difficulty. Generally speaking, there are two ways to deal with attributive clauses: the first is to put the attributive clause before the modifier after it has been translated, which is the most common way.


  (7) Adverbial clauses in legal translation


  Due to the strong logic of legal language, the author usually shows obvious logical relationship when writing legal language. The most common expression of logical relation is adverbial clause. Adverbial clauses in English generally include conditional adverbial clauses, adverbial adverbial clauses, time adverbial clauses, causal adverbial clauses and so on.








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