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日期:2020-12-25 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  English translation is a common way of translation. Translators must pay attention to accuracy in the process of translation. Otherwise, the difference in translation may lead to wrong meaning. What are the main points of English translation?


  First, the choice of tense. English abstracts of scientific papers are often used in the present tense to express the objectivity and sustainability of the content. The present tense is mainly used to explain the purpose, content and results of the research. Of course, if the abstract involves the author's investigation experiment in a certain period of time in the past, the general past or present perfect tense should be used according to the situation. What is worth mentioning here is that EI database advocates using the past tense to describe the author's previous experiments, and the present tense to describe the author's conclusions and opinions.


  Secondly, the choice of person and voice. Generally speaking, the first and second person are seldom used in the English translation of abstracts of Shangyu translation company, and the third person is used more. When using the third person, the object of study is often used as the subject, which determines that the passive voice is often used in English abstracts. Of course, active voice can be used when necessary.


  Thirdly, English slang is not used in the translation of abstracts, but standard English is adopted; abbreviations involved in abstracts are generally not self-made and must be publicly known; the first sentence of the abstract is generally not the same as the title of the paper; the sentence structure should be complete and logical; when translating Chinese abstract into English, the repetition can be deleted while ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the meaning There is no need for word to word correspondence.


  When translating Chinese key words, we should pay attention to the correct expression of terms, the unification of terms and the uniqueness of abbreviation interpretation. We should choose nouns, gerunds and noun phrases. All key words are lowercase (except proper nouns and abbreviations), separated by semicolons.








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