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日期:2021-04-12 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Business interpretation is now a very common form of translation. The interpreter must deal with any possible problems independently at any time. Shangyu translation company will show you what business interpretation needs to know?


  Business interpretation serves for business activities. It is restricted by external factors and environment. Moreover, the time limit of business interpretation is very strong, which requires that there is not much time to think. Translators are required to know how to deal with transitional words and small aspects flexibly. When translating, they should pay attention to the main contents, including jargon, terminology, idiomatic expressions and other language and technical contents. They should be familiar with the contents of the field and master the expressions of jargon and terminology.


  Business translation plays an important role in the international communication activities of companies and enterprises. Although interpreters have met all kinds of people, experienced all kinds of meeting occasions and problems, they can keep up with the speaker's tone, speed and action after their bilingual ability reaches a certain level, and even control the atmosphere of the whole meeting and banquet to decide the success or failure of a negotiation.


  To be an excellent business interpreter is to practice persistently. Interpreters need a lot of hard training and high-end skills. Vocabulary, listening comprehension, short-term memory and quick response are the essential elements of interpreters. Short term memory can be improved through training, but it needs to be practiced persistently, and it has to go through a very hard practice process every day.


  According to the interpreter, no matter where you are, you can learn to catch the voices of the people around you. On the one hand, you can practice listening, and at the same time, you can quickly follow what you hear in your heart, and even silently translate what you hear into another language (Chinese or English). Long term interpretation service makes them warm and introverted. Their yearning for new knowledge and persistence in learning make them more tolerant and open-minded.








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