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日期:2021-04-16 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Interpretation conference translation is very strict on interpreters, so the selection criteria of translation companies are also very high, from personal quality to professional quality, will affect the final play, and then the business situation of each meeting is different, so the talents should be taken into account comprehensively. Therefore, the translation price of conference interpretation of translation companies has some differences.


  Conference translation companies will be certified as qualified translators, and interpreters should have certain professional background knowledge. In the process of interpretation, interpreters must deal with any problems that may be encountered independently at any time. In this case, members are limited by time and can not query reference books or refer to relevant information. They are required to repeat what they have said and explain the difficulties.


  In the process of a conference, many speakers will have a lot of important and wordy speech. Conference interpreters should be good at deleting or adjusting these languages. Interpretation has its own translation characteristics. When a speaker is speaking, members should find the main idea and explain it. If some speakers are not good at words, they will often say some incomplete words, not only do it In this case, Chinese people and foreigners also have this situation. At this time, councillors should be good at synthesizing the content of their speeches and deleting the nonsense, so as to make the translated words clear and complete.


  Conference interpretation is a dual challenge to the interpreter's mental and physical strength. The interpreter must be quick in thinking, accept all the views expressed by others passively and passively, express all the ideas expressed by the speaker completely and obediently, and respond actively at the same time. Therefore, members need to keep a high degree of concentration for a long time.








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