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日期:2021-06-03 發(fā)布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Business English translation format is complex and has a wide range of business. Therefore, we should pay attention to the accuracy of facts in the process of translation. How can we do a good job of business translation for you?


  1、 Word segmentation


  Word segmentation usually refers to the translation of a word in the original into a sentence or a small ten days. There are two main purposes in the general use of word segmentation: one is the syntactic need. Some words in collocation, meaning and other aspects of the characteristics, directly translated out of the sentence is more crude and difficult to understand, the word after the translation can make the sentence smooth, and do not damage the original meaning. Second, some needs in the decoration, such as strengthening tone, highlighting the key points, etc. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, which are common in English, can be translated directly. ?


  2、 Phrasal translation


  Phrase translation is generally to translate a phrase in the original text into a sentence directly. For example, noun phrases, prepositional phrases, participle phrases, etc. can be translated into a sentence directly.


  3、 precise terms


  There are many professional terms in business translation, which involve economy, trade, law and so on. In order to convey the information in the original text accurately and let the reader understand the meaning of the original text accurately, the translator must use standard and equivalent professional terms. If they are not fully understood, there will be insufficient translation and even unknown in translation.


  4、 Translation


  Translation refers to the change of the word character and basic form of the sentence when the business English is translated. Because of the differences in English and Chinese expression habits and sentence structure, it is difficult to achieve the same effect in some translation processes. In order to make the language of translated articles reasonable in expression habits and grammar rules, some skills of word and expression will be used in the translation of business English.



  5、 Sequential translation


  Some English sentences are arranged according to the sequence of occurrence time or logical relationship when describing a series of actions. They are in accordance with the expression of Chinese, and can be translated in the original order.


  6、 Reverse order translation


  "Reverse order translation" is also called "inversion translation", which mainly refers to the question of the inversion of sentences. Some English sentences are different from Chinese habits, even the order of words is completely opposite, because Chinese usually arranges the actions in the order of action, while English uses various grammatical means to disorder the sequence of actions when describing the actions. This requires us to translate from the back of the original and reverse the order of the original.


  7、 The tone is right


  In business activities, politeness is very important. Especially in some business communication business texts, both sides should try to be precise and gentle in tone. Especially in some major business activities, there are many fixed expressions in China and the West. It is more serious and credible to use the text directly in business. Translators can translate more easily accepted articles by means of domestication on the basis of accurate expression of original meaning.








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