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日期:2022-03-05 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  The language and structure of enterprise profile materials are restricted by their culture. Therefore, translators should flexibly and appropriately use translation methods and skills to reproduce the purpose and function of the original text in the translation. Shangyu translation company will show you what are the common methods of enterprise profile translation?

  ( 一) 重組法

  (1) Reorganization law

  中英兩種語言屬于不同的語言體系,在譴詞造句上有很大不同。例如,某汽車生產商在推銷其一款新型汽車時介紹到: 這款新車速度快、效率高、行動靈活。按照漢語的表達習慣,在主語“汽車”后面可跟幾個連續的主謂詞組; 而英文中的形容詞、副詞有時就可起到相應的作用,所修飾的主語無需再現。

  Chinese and English belong to different language systems, and there are great differences in condemning words and sentences. For example, when a car manufacturer was promoting a new car, it introduced that the new car is fast, efficient and flexible. According to Chinese expression habits, the subject "car" can be followed by several consecutive subject predicate phrases; Adjectives and adverbs in English sometimes play a corresponding role, and the modified subject does not need to be reproduced.

  ( 二) 刪減法

  (2) Deletion method


  In domestic enterprise profiles, some information is often repeated in order to match neatly or catchy. For these information, it is not necessary to translate them word by word in English translation. If these words are stacked together, it will not achieve rhetorical effect, but get half the result with half the effort, which will annoy foreign readers. At this time, we should delete the complicated and simplify, and grasp the focus of the original text for translation.


  In addition, in different social cultures, the similarities and differences of values also greatly affect the effect of profile publicity materials. Chinese people believe in absolute authority. The words "provincial excellence", "national excellence" and "subordinate enterprises" often appear in the profile of Chinese enterprises. Enterprises often regard various honors and awards obtained by products as authority and list them one by one. For Chinese people who worship authority, it may also increase consumers' trust in products and play a certain promotion effect. But for the British and Americans who advocate independence and freedom, these words have lost their practical significance.








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