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日期:2022-05-16 發(fā)布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Thesis translation is mainly used to learn foreign advanced achievements, participate in international academic seminars and promote academic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. Shangyu translation company will share with you what you need to know in the process of thesis translation?


  1、 Understand the overall structure of the paper


  Firstly, the paper translation should grasp the logical relationship of the whole paper, clarify the time order in the article and the influence and connection between the contents, which requires the translator to grasp the application of tense in the paper translation. English abstracts of scientific papers often use the general present tense, the general past tense and the present perfect tense. Different tenses express different meanings.


  Generally, the present tense is used to describe the research objectives, contents, methods and research results, indicating the existing state, objective facts or universal truth; The general past tense is used to describe the past, especially the discovery, research process or final test results at a certain time before the writing of the paper, that is, the action or state of existence at a certain time in the past; The present perfect tense is used to introduce the completed research and experiments and their impact on the present. It connects what happened in the past with the present situation and emphasizes the impact and role of the past on the present.


  It is not difficult to see that a clear time logic can make the translation more smooth and help readers understand the author's writing ideas and the central ideas expressed.


  2、 Pay attention to the transformation of Chinese and English thinking habits


  Chinese and foreigners have different thinking habits, and foreigners prefer concise and comprehensive expression. Therefore, in the process of translation, there is no need for word correspondence. The translator can omit or change individual non substantive words on the basis of accurately expressing the meaning of the original text, and can also flexibly adjust the grammatical voice, such as splitting complex and lengthy long sentences into two short sentences or merging several Chinese short sentences into one English long sentence.


  3、 Pay attention to the professionalism of words


  For the translation of scientific papers, the author's scientific research findings, argumentation and achievements are often described in the papers, involving the professional vocabulary of a professional field. Therefore, in the process of translation, we should understand the professional background knowledge involved in this field, consult professional vocabulary in professional dictionary if necessary, and ensure the quality and professionalism of thesis translation. In addition, translators should also pay attention to the connection between sentences, such as the smooth translation of conjunctions and connecting sentences, so as to make the writing not only professional, but also fluent.







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