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日期:2022-05-29 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  German translation should ensure that the content expression is more appropriate and accurate. At the same time, it will make the content presentation more natural and avoid problems in word conversion. Shangyu translation company tells you what precautions should be taken in German translation?

  就像是我們在學習語文的時候一樣, 德語也是有自己的文章類型的。如果是普通的敘述文, 那么自己就能夠借助一些詞典來進行翻譯了。但是如果涉及到一些科技類的文章, 那么我們就需要去請教專門的翻譯人員, 還可以在網上進行一些專業術語的搜索學習。不同的文章在具體的表現形式上也各有不同, 就像是法律方面的文章一樣, 就會有很多法律常用詞匯, 科技類的文章更是, 甚至對格式都有著嚴格的要求。文學類的就更加的復雜,對人神態、心理、動作的描寫都帶有技巧性的。想要翻譯的透徹,就需要專業的知識水平做后盾。

  Just like when we are learning Chinese, German also has its own types of articles. If it is an ordinary narrative, then I can translate it with the help of some dictionaries. However, if some scientific and technological articles are involved, we need to consult special translators, and we can also search and learn some professional terms on the Internet. Different articles have different forms of expression. Just like legal articles, there will be many commonly used legal words. Scientific and technological articles even have strict requirements on format. Literature is more complex, and the descriptions of people's attitudes, psychology and actions are all technical. If you want to translate thoroughly, you need the backing of professional knowledge.

  德語文章和我們學所理解的中文文章是有一定的不同點的。我們不能僅僅利用看到的一段德語就著急做翻譯工作, 而是要通讀全篇文章, 了解整個文章的中心思想, 表達的主題是什么, 然后再回到第一段進行逐字逐句的翻譯, 每完成一段德語的翻譯工作的時候, 就要回頭檢查一下有沒有語句不通順的地方, 尤其是在翻譯的時候自己覺得哪些地方不滿意或者不貼切的, 一定要做好標記, 不然在翻譯工作繼續進行的時候在回來找這個地方就非常的模糊,直接影響了翻譯工作的質量。

  There are certain differences between German articles and Chinese articles we understand. We can't just use a paragraph of German to rush into translation. Instead, we should read the whole article, understand the central idea of the whole article and what the theme is, and then go back to the first paragraph to translate word for word. Every time we finish translating a paragraph of German, we should go back and check whether there are any sentences that are not smooth, especially what we feel unsatisfied or inappropriate when translating, We must make a mark, or when the translation work continues, it will be very vague when we come back to find this place, which will directly affect the quality of the translation work.

  翻譯工作本身就非常的枯燥, 而且有時候會因為一個德語詞匯沒有見過而卡在一個地方很久, 甚至查找很多資料都不會有結果。這時候翻譯人員一定不要氣餒, 要整理好自己的思緒, 最好在平時的時候就積累一些翻譯行業的人脈, 這樣等到自己有不會的德語的時候, 就能夠找到人去問, 尤其是從事翻譯工作多年的人, 他們的一句話肯定是讓你少走很多彎路的經驗之談。

  The translation work itself is very boring, and sometimes because a German word has not been seen, it will be stuck in a place for a long time, and even finding a lot of information will not produce results. At this time, translators must not be discouraged. They should sort out their thoughts. It is best to accumulate some contacts in the translation industry at ordinary times, so that when they can't speak German, they can find people to ask, especially those who have been engaged in translation for many years. Their words must be the experience that makes you avoid many detours.








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