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日期:2019-03-04 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  The market of translation companies is constantly developing, and there are many different kinds of translation companies on the market. How can we choose a good translation company? Here is a document translation company to share with you.


  _1. Define the translation method. At present, translation, interpretation, localized translation, machine translation and so on are the common translation methods. When consulting clients, they should first ask the translation companies what translation methods they can undertake, and at the same time express their position, that is, the translation methods they choose, so as to better communicate with each other. For the translator, it is necessary to make clear whether the project is translation, interpretation or expatriation.


  2. Focus on office space. The office environment is a reflection of the strength of a translation company. This is because the entry threshold of translation companies is relatively low, there are many small companies, and even some Couple-style small workshops, there is no clear office space of their own. As a kind of service, it is particularly important to have your own office. A good office environment can make it easier for customers to negotiate and hand over documents. At the same time, the office location is also a way to judge whether a translation company has approved registration through the industrial and commercial department. Therefore, as a customer (including translators), if possible, or when there is a relatively significant project demand, you can visit and inspect on the spot in order to make selective errors.


  _3. The length of the establishment of the translation company. In fact, this is also very important, because only a long-established translation company can accumulate a large number of translator resources, translation language terminology database and excellent translation service processes, such as music translation, accumulated rich resources over the years, and the quality of translation service has been constantly improved and improved. Only by possessing these factors can the translation of documents be successfully completed.


  4. Does the translation company have its own official website? This is also very important. Generally good professional translation companies will have their own independent official website, because it is a special entrance for them to publicize themselves to the outside world. At the same time, we should also check the quality of the website, such as whether it is updated at any time, whether the website page design is beautiful, and so on.


  See if you have your own full-time translators. Good professional translation companies usually have their own full-time translators, at least full-time English translators. The more full-time translators there are, the stronger their strength will be. Because the translation industry is a service industry, and the products sold are invisible, a lot of work, especially translation services, can be accomplished through the network, which leads to some translation companies speculating and skillful, only part-time translators to work, no full-time staff, which will inevitably lead to some translation services and translation quality defects.


  6. Does the translation company have relevant certificates of qualification? A good professional translation company usually has a lot of translation qualifications, such as translation business qualifications, members of translation associations, etc. These qualifications can be found on the official website. Because the threshold of translation industry is low, many organizations without translation qualification can also provide translation services. Without certain qualification, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of customer documents.








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