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日期:2019-03-15 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Now there are many international exchanges, translation has become a hot industry, so how to do a good job as a translator? Today, the certificate translation company will give you an analysis from the following aspects:

  1、翻譯動機 。回顧中國翻譯史,特別是近一個世紀以來的翻譯史,我們可以看到,在各個不同的歷史時期,翻譯總是與社會變革或思想文化運動緊密地結合在一起,而一些具有代表性的翻譯家,更以他們在明確的翻譯動機推進下所進行的翻譯活動,起著推動社會變革或思想文化運動的積極作用。

  1. Translation motivation. Looking back on the history of translation in China, especially in the past century, we can see that translation has always been closely linked with social change or ideological and cultural movement in different historical periods, and some representative translators, with their translation activities propelled by clear translation motives, play an active role in promoting social change or ideological and cultural movement. Effect.


  2. Determine the direction and lay a good foundation. Many people believe that only those who study foreign languages can do translation, and the so-called translation is to translate some literary works. In the current context of global economic integration, it is clear that this idea is wrong. At present, in terms of manuscripts accepted by translation companies, the main materials are practical electronic, automotive, mechanical, petroleum, chemical, financial, legal and other materials. Translators in these industries are not only required to have a good command of foreign languages, but also required to have relevant industry background knowledge. It is impossible for foreign language majors alone to be competent for these tasks. Therefore, we suggest that friends who want to engage in translation work should concentrate on learning a certain field according to their interests and hobbies before they set foot in translation. Only after a long study in a certain field can we improve our translation quality and efficiency at the same time.


  3. Study patiently and strive for professionalism. When we read some articles, we can skip the places we don't know or the words we don't know, because this does not affect our understanding of the general meaning of the article. But if we are engaged in translation, then any place we don't understand or are not sure should be studied. The so-called research does not refer to a simple dictionary search, or a search on the Internet, but should know its exact use, true meaning, and sometimes even need to consult industry experts for guidance. I often hear some friends say that translation will encounter bottlenecks at a certain stage. However, we believe that this bottleneck can be solved through continuous learning and research. Through continuous research, my translation ability can be further sublimated.


  4. Keep improving and pay attention to details. The quality of translation work is ultimately reflected in the words and sentences of the translated text, and even in punctuation points. Particular attention should be paid to the details.








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