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日期:2019-03-19 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Translation ability is an important point to check the comprehensive ability of English. Many people have a high level of English, but the translation ability is general. So how to improve the ability of Chinese-English translation? The following certificate translation company to share with you.


  1. Learn and consolidate the basic knowledge of language, and have a comprehensive grasp of the linguistic characteristics of Chinese and English.


  In the process of English translation, if the basic knowledge of language is not well mastered, it will certainly affect the importance of translation. Therefore, students must understand the linguistic characteristics of English through vocabulary, grammar and reading.


  First of all, in the process of learning vocabulary, we should not only let students learn their spelling and pronunciation, but also let them learn how to use vocabulary and organize vocabulary appropriately. We should have a certain understanding of the meaning, cultural connotation and erotic color of some common idioms and proverbs. In addition, the linguistic characteristics of some high-frequency words need to be further understood.


  Secondly, in grammar learning, we should be familiar with and flexible in the use of English sentence patterns. We should pay attention to the different usage of grammar in different language environments, which can also show different cultural habits. In this way, we should study every sentence carefully, in order to improve our English translation ability.


  Thirdly, English reading is an important part of English learning and plays a vital role in English translation ability. When we read English materials, we should pay attention to the diversity of subjects. We should study carefully the contents in various fields, such as literary works, news documentaries and so on, to taste the cultural background knowledge contained in them.


  2. Understanding the Differences between Chinese and Western Cultures


  Speaking plainly in English translation is the process of mutual transformation between Chinese and English. But how to transform or how to transform very beautiful, this is very difficult. In this regard, the differences between Chinese and Western cultures play an important role. Because the differences in cultural customs, values and ways of thinking will cause people to have different understandings of the same thing or produce great ambiguities, which will easily lead to errors in translation. For example, the writing of Chinese and Western envelopes: in China, the usual writing order is the name of the addressee, provinces, cities, counties, streets, and finally the name of the addressee; but in Western countries, the writing order is just the opposite, so we must pay attention to the understanding and mastery of English cultural knowledge while learning English knowledge. At the same time, we should pay attention to the analysis of the cultural background of each sentence in order to achieve the best translation effect.


  3. Strengthen Practice, Understand and Master Translation Skills


  Translation is a creative language activity with strong practicality. Any English translator, whether elementary or advanced, should pay attention to science. Beginners should first find some materials which are suitable for their level of difficulty and have Chinese translation for translation practice. After translation, they should compare with other people's translation to see whether their understanding is accurate and whether their expression conforms to the language habits of all parties. Then find out the shortcomings and correct them, but also pay attention to their own advantages, to carry forward, and be good at innovation. In addition to the above, the key point is that we must have repeated training and long-term accumulation before we can gain experience. Therefore, translators should master certain translation skills and summarize their own translation ideas through a lot of practice in order to truly improve their English translation ability.


  4. Develop self-confidence


  Cultivating self-confidence is also a useful supplement to translation teaching. Confidence is a very important link for anyone to do anything. Confidence is a necessary condition for success, but before we cultivate self-confidence, we should cultivate patience. Everyone will encounter all kinds of difficulties and setbacks on the road of life, at this time, the level of self-confidence is very important. For example, when we translate, we usually encounter a bottleneck. It seems that our brain is out of order. We just can't think of good words to express what we want to express. At this time, we must not put pressure on ourselves. Instead, we need to be patient and think slowly and tell ourselves with strong self-confidence that I can think of it. In this way, we should constantly encourage ourselves psychologically and believe in ourselves. I believe that the probability of success can be greatly increased.


  5. Conclusion


  Whether for students or translators, translation teaching should focus on results rather than single examination results. In the long run, it should not only focus on immediate results, but also start from the fundamental point of view. Starting from the student-centered point of view, we should learn the basic knowledge, master the basic theory of translation, cultivate self-confidence, experience repeated training and long-term accumulation. We should step by step, and with the passage of time, we will certainly improve greatly. High.








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