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日期:2019-07-14 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Novice translators must be prepared before doing translation work and deal with problems related to customers. What mistakes do novice translators often make?


  1. Lack of communication skills


  Junior translators may sometimes have poor communication. They neglect the importance of effective communication, which ultimately leads to poor translation. Like any industry, communication is a bridge between you and your customers. In order to build a good understanding with customers, it is important to have two-way communication with them. You need to interact with customers at every stage of the translation process. With strong communication channels, you can reduce any misunderstanding with customers, which will lead to better translation.


  2. Word-for-word translation


  Many junior translators make mistakes in translating scripts word for word. As a translator, you need to translate a script into other languages in the desired style. Different languages have different syntactic rules. You must understand them before you translate them. You must understand the use of subject and object in different languages. For example, you can't prove that translating English into Arabic is correct because they have different grammars.


  Whenever you have to translate a script, use a dictionary because it helps you understand the correct use of words. You can also ask native speakers to review the script to make sure that the style of the script is correct.


  3. Implications of exaggerated words


  Due to lack of experience, junior translators tend to overtranslate. When they enter the industry, they want to do their best. However, when you are a professional translator, it is not appreciated. In order to translate a play effectively, it is important not to exaggerate it with professional vocabulary or complex sentences.


  First, we need to understand the customer's needs, and then do the corresponding translation. Know his specifications and what he expects of you. Ask him where he will use the script. If it is for personal use, please keep it simple. But for publishing purposes, you need to follow the publisher's guidelines or standards.


  4. Use the wrong words

  初級譯者經常在錯誤的語境中使用詞匯。有些詞不能翻譯成其他語言。例如,在其他語言中,“圣杯”一詞沒有對等詞。同樣,您不能將“Netilat Yadayim Shacharit”一詞翻譯成任何其他語言。因為這些詞與文化和宗教過程相關聯,你不能在其他宗教的背景下解釋它們。

  Primary translators often use vocabulary in the wrong context. Some words cannot be translated into other languages. For example, in other languages, the word "Holy Grail" has no equivalent. Likewise, you cannot translate the word "Netilat Yadayim Shacharit" into any other language. Because these words are related to cultural and religious processes, you cannot interpret them in the context of other religions.


  Similarly, translators may find it difficult to distinguish between positive and negative nouns. A language may regard a word as "positive", which in other languages may mean opposite sex. For example, the word "moon" is positive in English and negative in Spanish. Familiarize yourself with these subtle words and become an effective translator.


  5. Improper Translation Style


  Junior translators may not fully understand all aspects of script style. Because they are not familiar with the target language, they interpret the document without knowing the appropriate style of the document. This changed the nature of the script and eventually cleared its soul. In order to convey the true meaning of a topic, it is important to translate a document in the correct intonation. For example, scripts for legal documents sound completely different from scripts for movies. To be an excellent translator, you need to work hard on this aspect of translation.








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