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日期:2019-07-17 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  For users and translation companies, the quality of translation is very important. The translation results of different translators are not identical. What factors affect the quality of translation?


  1. Obstacles to Semantic Understanding


  In the stage of reading and analyzing the original text, the semantic ambiguity and syntactic complexity of the original text are the most important factors affecting the degree of equivalence. Because of the intentional or unconscious semantic ambiguity of the original text, it is difficult for the translator to determine the true meaning of the original text. Different people have different understandings, so different translations are produced.


  To overcome semantic ambiguity and convey the original semantics accurately, translators are required to have a high grasp of the source language, take all the factors related to the original semantics into consideration as far as possible, and excavate the true connotation of the original text. Even so, it is difficult to achieve absolute "equivalence".


  The complexity of the original sentence is also a thorny problem for the translator. Before translation, the translator has to reorganize the complex syntax, that is, to translate it into the target language first and then into the target language, which also affects the equivalence to a certain extent.


  2. Different expressions


  After analyzing the source text, translators also encounter many factors affecting equivalence, mostly related to the way of expression and style. In the same syntactic unit of the original text, the translation usually has several expressions with different equivalence (except for fixed usage). To some extent, the choice of expression determines the degree of equivalence of the translation.


  Our principle of choice is to choose the most natural equivalents, that is, to adopt the expressions that are most in line with the conventions and collocations of idioms in the target language.


  3. Different Grammatical Structures


  Different languages have different grammatical categories, rules and structures, which lead to different ways of conveying information. If the target language lacks some grammatical category or structure of the source language, it is difficult to find a direct equivalent in the target text, and the translator has to add or delete the information of the source text and make some trade-offs. Among these grammatical categories that affect translation, emphasis is placed on number, sex, tense, style, voice and person.


  Therefore, the grammatical differences between different languages are also an important factor affecting the degree of equivalence. The greater the difference in grammar, the more difficult it is to achieve equivalence.


  4. Style of Articles


  Genre is a very important factor affecting translation equivalence. Different genres have different functions, such as expressive function, informative function or vocative function, which can not be ignored in translation. One of the four principles Nida put forward when discussing "dynamic equivalence" is that the literary genre of the original text plays the same role.


  5. Cultural Background


  Different nationalities have different historical backgrounds, modes of thinking and social customs, thus forming their own unique cultural background, these cultural differences will be carried in their different languages. Correct understanding of the cultural connotations of the source text and analysis of cultural differences between the source language and the target language are prerequisites for equivalence translation. Generally speaking, the greater the difference between the two languages and cultures, the more difficult the equivalence conversion between the two languages will be, and the more the degree of equivalence will be affected.


  Only when we fully consider this cultural difference in translation and try to express the cultural information and connotation of the source language in a way consistent with the cultural habits of the target language, can we achieve a higher degree of equivalence.








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