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日期:2019-07-29 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Interpreters should have solid basic skills and language organizational skills, and a strong ability to respond to temporary changes. The following documents translation company will tell you how to achieve excellence for interpreters.


  1. Interpreters themselves should have solid linguistic skills


  It is the so-called constant response to change, only the interpreter's own hard work, to be able to laugh at the vicissitudes of events. While translating, translators must pay attention to summing up and accumulating translation experience and skills so as not to fall twice in the same place. If some words and phrases are not heard clearly in the process of translation, the translator should try not to repeat and revise the previous sentence, and do not go down until the translation is finished. In the process of translation, the translator should try to avoid the similar "eh............................. Ah... That "blind talk addiction".


  2. Training to Strengthen Short-term Memory Ability

  譯員面對最多的場合是臨場翻譯,面對這種沒有準備的臨場翻譯譯員一定要有一個好的心態,盡量放松不要緊張,這一點很多久經“沙場”老譯員基本上都能做到,要讓新譯員做到泰山崩于前而色不變這是不可能的,不過點出來可以作為一個努力訓練的一個方向。新譯員在翻譯現場基本都會緊張,然后腦子一片空白,所以在訓練的時候譯員要有意地脫離筆記,增強隨機應變的場控能力。這都是增強短期記憶的必要手段。短期記憶在口譯中非常重要,簡而言之就是如何在十幾秒內不忘記剛才說話人說的內容。建議可以每天聽聽BBC News之類的,練習聽一分鐘短新聞,不做任何筆記然后用英語復述。進階版是聽完一分鐘新聞,然后不做任何筆記口譯。如果想對自己狠一點,可以把你的口譯錄音下來…然后你就會發現自己翻得亂七八糟…就會很容易發現問題再因為羞愧而好好練了!

  The most common occasion for an interpreter is on-the-spot translation. In the face of this unprepared on-the-spot translator, he must have a good mentality and try to relax and not be nervous. This is basically what many veteran interpreters have been able to do. It is impossible for a new interpreter to keep the same colour as before, but point it out. It can be used as a direction for hard training. New translators tend to be nervous at the scene of translation, and then their minds are blank. Therefore, when training, translators should deliberately break away from notes and enhance the ability of field control. These are all necessary means to enhance short-term memory. Short-term memory is very important in interpreting. In short, it is how to not forget what the speaker said in a dozen seconds. It is suggested that you listen to BBC News or something every day, practise listening to short news for one minute, take no notes and retell in English. The advanced edition is to listen to the news for one minute and then interpret without taking any notes. If you want to be tough with yourself, you can record your interpretation. Then you'll find yourself in a mess. It's easy to find out the problem and practice it with shame again! ____________


  3. Prepare as efficiently as possible before translation if conditions permit


  Now that the theme of this activity has been notified in advance, it is feasible to prepare for this activity before translation. Pre-translation preparation includes: understanding and reciting professional vocabulary in related fields, familiarizing with activity materials (if only Chinese materials, it is necessary to have a general understanding of how to translate English, and vice versa). If it is an interview, it is necessary to be familiar with the identity of the interviewees, interview topics and so on.


  4. Communicate with customers as much as possible

  如果譯員能夠與客戶直接對話,譯員要爭取在譯前跟客戶好好溝通。爭取能拿到主要發言人的發言稿(如果有的話),了解發言人的說話習慣。如果是交替傳譯(就是領導說幾句話會停下來等你翻譯),則要在活動開始前禮貌提醒他說幾句話就停下來等你……萬一說忘情了翻譯就慘了……。如果對方的外國客人說個不停沒有停下來等翻譯,如果場合不是太正式(例如是普通會談在場沒有很多觀眾),也可以在翻譯完一段后對對方說類似Excuse me, would you please pause a while after saying three or four sentences? I'm not a professional interpreter, so...這樣的小請求。如果大多數時間只是做日常陪同翻譯,就不用太緊張,調整好心情上吧!

  If the interpreter can talk directly with the client, the interpreter should strive to communicate well with the client before translating. Strive to get the speeches of the main speakers (if any) and understand their speaking habits. If it is interpreted alternately (that is, the leader will stop to wait for you to translate a few words), you should politely remind him to say a few words before the activity starts and then stop to wait for you... If you say that you have forgotten your feelings, the translation will be miserable. If the foreign guest of the other party keeps talking and does not stop for translation, if the occasion is not too formal (for example, there is not a lot of audience in the ordinary meeting), you can also say something like Excuse me to the other party after the translation, would you please pause a while after saying three or four sentences? Small requests like nterpreter, so.... If most of the time is just doing daily escort translation, don't be too nervous, adjust your mood!








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