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日期:2019-10-14 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Many people are very interested in Korean, and the attitude of learning Korean must be correct. What are the methods of learning Korean quickly shared by the certificate translation company today?


  1. To learn Korean, we must have a strong interest in him. This is the key to Korean learning. I suggest that we often watch Korean movies and TV programs, which is helpful to Korean learning. When watching Korean movies and TV programs, we should pay attention to their pronunciation, and remember some long-term and relatively fashionable sentences.


  2. At the beginning of learning Korean, many people like to look for a lot of information, always wandering at the entry level, some know the meaning and do not know how to pronounce. And it's hard to remember the strokes. There are also many people who quit. Any textbook has the characteristics of arrangement. We should bite a set of drills, not always learn the first book, have depth and broaden the scope. Second, we should listen to more voice materials, practice makes perfect, imitate the opening. Finally, we should find the Korean circle to open up. It's very important to build self-confidence. Of course, it's important to have a learning class to learn. Never close the door to learn, in a word, what is missing to make up for what.

  3、 業余者的目標和學習方法,總的講是堅持,量變到質變。 一是多聽,每天20-30分鐘的帶子; 二模仿開口,每天10分鐘,記住5句,第二天對人講出來; 三積累詞匯,每天5到10個,要回頭復習;

  3. The goals and learning methods of amateurs, in general, are to adhere to and change quantitatively to qualitatively. One is to listen more than 20-30 minutes per day, two to imitate the mouth, 10 minutes a day, to remember 5 sentences, second days to tell people; three to accumulate vocabulary, 5 to 10 per day, to review;


  4. Learning grammar aims at making sentences flexibly and entering the practice of writing diaries and ten sentences.


  5. Contact more Korean songs, movies and dramas, learn more about Korean culture and political and economic news, and prepare to turn over this dictionary at any time.


  6. Be sure to enter the Korean community to practice and consolidate the language. Speak it out and you win. This is also your goal value.








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