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日期:2020-02-01 發(fā)布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  German is also a common language. Many people are learning German. In order to better complete the translation work, translators need to pay attention to some precautions. What are the precautions of Sino German translation shared by Shangyu translation company?


  1. Basic skills of attitude


  There are three problems to be solved, namely, the problem of direction (what is the purpose of the translation work, and for whom it serves), the problem of motivation (the direction and the purpose are not clear enough, and we must work hard and study hard before we can do a good job), and the problem of attitude (with direction and motivation, we must have a scientific attitude, rigorous translation style and the spirit of being good at learning and unremitting pursuit, so we can't Progress and climb. It's impossible to enter the door of translation without hard work. If you have a little achievement, don't be complacent and complacent, or you will lose all your achievements and give up halfway. Only by fearing hardships, being conscientious, putting forward new goals, striving hard, and not slacking off, can we make progress and achieve something in the translation work.


  2. Basic foreign language skills


  To be engaged in translation, it is self-evident to have basic foreign language skills. Only two points are emphasized here:


  First, basic foreign language skills are not solid, and translation is bound to be very difficult. In some translators, there is a popular idea and saying: to do translation, as long as Chinese is good. The implication is that it doesn't matter that a foreign language is almost the same. You can look it up in a dictionary anyway. This is a reflection of ignorance or lack of knowledge about translation. In the process of translation, most of the meaning of the original "word surface" can be found and clarified with reference to reference books. However, to master the meaning outside the words or in the deep level of the original text often depends on the reading comprehension ability of the translator, which will never be found in the dictionary.


  Second, basic foreign language skills include vocabulary, grammar, reading ability, analysis and understanding ability, etc. The richer the translator's vocabulary is, the more comprehensive the meaning of a word is, and the more collocations and usages of a word are mastered, the faster the translation will be. If the translator doesn't have enough knowledge of grammar, if he doesn't master the virtual form well, he will have many difficulties and even many mistakes in translation. Reading ability is also the ability of the translator to "turn" into the realm of the original work; analysis and understanding ability refers to the ability of the translator to dissect and analyze the original text according to the grammatical relationship, accurately understand the meaning of the original words and sentence components and the relationship between them, and then translate the words accordingly.







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