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日期:2020-02-20 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Note taking is very important for interpretation. Note taking is mainly used to ensure the accuracy of the translation and not be affected by the speaker's time. What are the key points of sharing the notes for interpretation?


  1. Write less and stroke more. Dashes are faster than words. Line image, equivalent to the translation of the "semi-finished product", helps the interpreter to look at the notes and export the translation. Lines should be used as much as possible in two cases:


  Words and sentences that represent actions and dynamics.


  A word or sentence indicating cause or effect.


  2. Less words and more meanings. Form the habit of taking notes of no more than one word. There are a lot of words in Chinese which are composed of two or more words. As long as you see one of them, your short-term memory should be able to fill in the rest of the words without having to write more. In addition, we need to develop the ability to take notes and interact with memory; to see a word can say several words, or even a string of words. It's not difficult with context..


  3. less lines and more fingers. A small group of general lines / markings. Otherwise, in addition to the Chinese and English that you are originally familiar with, you will make up a set of text codes that you are not familiar with, which will lead to the situation that you need to think about which symbol to use, which is the opposite.


  4. Less horizontal and more vertical. The ladder structure from top to bottom shall be adopted for recording, and the horizontal record of normal writing shall be used as less as possible. The ladder structure vividly reflects the logical structure of the context, simplifies the thinking process of the translator and facilitates the translation.


  5. Write fast. We must develop our own Chinese character fast writing system. Interpretation notes are read by oneself, and only need a few minutes to understand. When the stroke of many Chinese characters is reduced, it does not affect the confirmation. What I am talking about here is not scribble, but in addition to the actual interpretation often have to scribble, take some time to ponder over the words commonly used in practice or interpretation to see how to reduce the strokes, or straighten out the strokes, and make one stroke into a word.


  6. Clear end. In interpretation, the speaker says a paragraph, stops and asks the interpreter to translate a paragraph, and then continues. In this way, there must be a clear line between the last paragraph and the next. The ending point of the last translation becomes the starting point of the next translation. The importance is that if the notes start from 1 / 3 of the book, the next paragraph may be written on 2-3 pages. When turning back to interpretation, the eye cannot determine which line is on the page, or the symbol is the starting point of the translation. So it needs to be marked.








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