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日期:2020-03-02 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  English translation is the most common kind of translation. It has a wide range of needs in life, but many people will encounter some problems in translation. What misunderstandings should we avoid in English translation?


  Mistake 1: emphasis on grammar and neglect thought. I found that many students misunderstood the meaning of syntax and collocation that the teacher talked about in translation review. The reason why teachers should talk about all kinds of knowledge points is to make students better understand the original text, rather than being totally limited to vocabulary and syntax when translating.


  Mistake 2: keep the structure in line with the original. In fact, English and Chinese are two completely different languages. First of all, English is a "hypotaxis" language, the meaning of which is expressed in the form of language, while Chinese is a "Shenhe" language. Secondly, English and Chinese have different ways of thinking. The thinking of native English speakers is linear, while that of Chinese is spiral. Some English sentences, if strictly in accordance with the structure of the original sentence translation will make the translation very poor.


  Mistake 3: ignore context and translate directly. It is found that some students think that the translation time in postgraduate entrance examination English is only about 20 minutes in total, the reading content is usually difficult, and the time is urgent, so it is better to translate sentences directly without reading the article. In fact, from the perspective of the location of translation, reading is also one of the contents to be examined in the translation part. On the other hand, if there is a lack of grasp of the general idea of the original text, the tone of the translation is likely to be different from that of the original. Lack of understanding of the adjacent sentences before and after, the understanding of the sentences to be translated is likely to be out of context. The author thinks that "translation accuracy" has lost its foundation.








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